Monday, January 19, 2015

What a celebration

The "Celebration of Kristan's life" on Sunday went really well. I don't know how to thank everyone who helped put it together. The house was beautiful, and there was lots of really delicious food for everyone in the basement. I confess I was pretty overwhelmed by all the caring people who came, and all the flowers, cards, and notes from those who couldn't make it. I was so very appreciative to see the people who traveled from out-of-state. It was so nice to have the house filled up with family for a few days. Everyone seemed really happy to see the photos from earlier in her life. A lot of people expressed their surprise at how quickly the photo collages were assembled, and what an amazing collection of wonderful photos we had, from those earlier times. I tried so hard, not to let myself get choked up, as I told the stories of some of the photos. Looking back, and recounting those stories, I was repeatedly reminded of the many good times we shared over the past 30 years. I was also reminded of our wedding day, as I found myself trying to spend time with everyone, and realizing that meant I could only spend a short time with any one person. I was really glad I asked my nephew to take pictures, as I am afraid I won't remember everything and everyone from that day. I haven't pulled those pictures out of the camera I loaned him, so I'll just share this one pic I took, of some of the flowers lined up on the kitchen counter today. Looking at them reminds me of how much love and caring attention I was feeling all day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Congratulations.... Just wonderful, Kristan deserved the best and got it. I look forward to the additional photos after you have had time to catch your breadth and relax.... Just a little!

