Tuesday, August 18, 2020

First Flight in MSFS 2020

I just finished my first flight using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020! I was very uncomfortable for the entire flight from Centennial (KAPA) to Aspen (KASE), as aside from the primary flight controls, everything (notably keyboard and joystick shortcuts) is different than it was in Microsoft Flight Simulator X, and of course also different than X-Plane 11, that I've been using for the past 21 months. 

However, the scenery and aircraft are as detailed and beautiful as promised, and hopefully I'll get the hang of identifying and customizing the shortcuts soon. I'll lean on the side of optimism, and say I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to many more fun flights. Pics from my trip are here

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Sad but unsurprising

A 90-year-old Florida man who dressed in full protective gear to be close to his wife and say a final goodbye has died of COVID-19.

I’m so sad seeing this story, but... no surprise? After seeing that his non-N95 mask has huge air gaps around his nose, and she’s not wearing a mask, after all that’s been said about how masks protect the person you’re talking to, but not the wearer. Not to mention sitting in close proximity for an extended period of time, which practically guarantees he will get it.

We stop transmission with: 
1. Mask on infected person
2. Distancing and airflow
3. Sterilization and no touching

However, at 90, and with such a close bond, maybe he really didn’t want to survive, if she didn’t. It would've been even sadder, if she pulled through, and he didn't.