Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing everyone a safe and thankful and fulfilling and Happy Thanksgiving day! 
Darn it, we forgot (yet again) to listen to the KBCO broadcast of Alice’s Restaurant all the way through. So much for our wannabe Thanksgiving tradition. We did manage to catch the last few minutes of it… but Jennefer says "that doesn’t count."

We tried something a little different this year… we lost track of the turkey (haha - referring to the image above), so we made an afternoon reservation for Thanksgiving dinner at Inverness! 
As the time to leave approached, Jennefer was having a bad day, and didn't feel like eating, so the three of us were sad to go to dinner without her.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Barr Lake State Park

A few pics from our fun bird-watching outing to Barr Lake. We were hoping to see Bald Eagles, but... not so much... just saw two of them flitting by quickly. Lots of other birds, though. My sister said, "We saw way too many Canada geese and gulls, but the highlight for me was watching the Northern Shovelers do their circling thing as they ate." Nice sunset at home when we got back.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hine Lake

We went in search of birds at Hine Lake. Not all bird-watching outings result in high-detail closeup photos… But we also got a nice muddy walk out of it…