Friday, January 30, 2015

Scary story

So, here's an interesting and scary story. I caught a ride to work on the courtesy van at Honda today, while my car was being worked on. This driver has been giving me rides to/from work for years, since long before we moved to our new location in 2011. I mentioned that my sister was going to be driving my wife's car, so I needed the ride. After a minute of thinking about how long I'd known him, and what a nice guy he is, I decided to tell him about Kristan. Then he told me that he had lost his wife nine months ago. We expressed our condolences to each other. I asked him what happened, wondering if his situation was similar at all. He said it was completely unexpected. She was in good health, but had developed a very bad cough, presumably from a nasty cold. She kept meaning to go see her doctor. She finally called to make an appointment, but they couldn't get her into the office until Tuesday after the weekend. He came home from work on Monday, to find she had passed away in bed. He said her doctor offered one possible explanation, that her cough may have been so violent, that it caused a heart attack. I came away wondering if seeing the doctor sooner would've made a difference, and revisiting some thoughts that have occurred to me many times in the past, that we all need to be really proactive, about getting seen by the doc, when we think it's important. Kristan was really good about helping me with that in the past, and I'm going to have to be really careful in the future. I was reminded of what happened to the Muppets creator Jim Henson. So, let's all be careful out there!

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