Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Well, the Snow has definitely arrived, and continues. I didn't anticipate not being able to tell which mailbox to put my letter in, this morning...

Monday, November 16, 2015

Big snow forecast

It's pouring rain out there! That's probably a good thing - if it were snowing, every inch of this rain would be the equivalent of about a foot of snow to shovel in the morning. Although I *was* looking forward to a nice pretty layer of white stuff when I get up. The forecast has been alternately calling for 2 feet, a few inches, 3-7 inches, 4-11 inches... it's hard to know if we'll get anything. I guess it depends if it gets cold enough overnight, to turn this rain into snow.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fun with LEDs

When I lamented that the time change made it impossible to play disc golf after work, without blundering around in the dark, looking for lost discs and hard to see holes (the baskets), someone at the disc golf course mentioned that there are LED gadgets available, to light up both the disc and the hole. So, I got on Amazon and found them. Here's what they looked like, last night, when we tried them out. Coincidentally, I happened to get a hole-in-one on hole 3 - my first "one" in years! It was so cool, to watch the little blinking light on the disc fly through the air towards the well-lit hole, and then hear the chains, and see it fall into the basket. Very satisfying and fun.

In the first picture, we're preparing to putt into hole 1, which is off to the right, and is lit up with an amber LED downlight. That's my friend Jennefer off to the left, just in front of the house's window in the background, holding up her disc with the little green LED light taped to the inside. And my disc is lying on the grass in the foreground.

The second picture shows hole 3 up close, just after my hole-in-one. Woo-hoo! Some other players nearby, playing the home behind us, saw my throw, and congratulated me on my great accomplishment. That felt good, too. :-)
The cool little downlight has several LEDs in a circle on the bottom, and has some kind of wireless link to a small handheld remote control, which allowed me to turn it on and off, and select any one of a dozen different colors, or choose a mode where it changes to a new color every second or so.

Sunday walk

Just finished a delicious breakfast at Racines, and a nice walk around Denver City Park, with my neighbor Jim and my friend Gail, and Mandy, of course.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Long walk with Dorothy

My niece Dorothy, who moved to Colorado a few weeks ago, met me in Morrison for breakfast, then we walked along Bear Creek for over 5 miles. We had a delightful time, and got to see a few traces of Fall colors left, but mostly were reminded by all the plant life going dormant, that Winter is essentially here. We were out walking for so long, that by the time we got back, it was lunch time, so we went back to the Cow, and were not disappointed, as their lunch menu was equally delicious.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Special K STUG

I was rooting around in the pantry tonight, looking for something easy to wolf down for dinner, and ran across this box of cereal I picked up recently. Seeing the big K, and the words around it, got me all choked up. She really was, both special, and original.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday walk

Pics from this morning's beautiful walk at Denver city park, with Jim and Jennefer. We saw a dragon in the middle of the lake!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dinner at Merle's

Took Jennefer with me, back to Merle's Diner, for another delicious veggie burger, with quinoa, black beans, and eggplant. And some amazing spices. Yum. Interesting shadow on the blind when we got here.

Breakfast at OPH

Just finished a delicious breakfast at Original Pancake House, with Dorothy and Jennefer! What a treat. It feels like we got one of everything!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cold out

Short walk this evening. Not surprising, on this 34° night. I wore my "dog walking" coat tonight. It has really great reflectors built-in. Thanks to Kristan for thinking of this.