Sunday, February 25, 2007

Out for a walk

I walked down to the Buck Center on Saturday - that's me at the "Official Cupola Cam Greeting Site", picture courtesy of my sister. It was a bit brisk out there, with the air temperature just below freezing, and with the breeze blowing, I was glad it was just a short walk. I used the exercycle to get my legs to remembering what it was like to be on a bicycle. The pool as always was fun, but the steam room was really great for my breathing, and the Jacuzzi did wonders for that sore spot in my back that's been bugging me all week. I walked over to IHOP and discovered they've closed the one on Littleton Blvd. It's disappointing to lose that walking destination, but it's also nice to have options - I headed over to Cafe Terracotta and met K for breakfast. We ran a few errands after breakfast, and even though we got home by noon, I felt like I'd already had a full day.

Dad and Adele returned safely to Florida from their month-long New York adventure. They were glad to be away from the big snowstorm there. He says her surgery was completely successful, and she's recovering well.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Foxy Kind of Morning

I wandered out this morning, to find just an inch of fresh snow from last night on the deck. I noticed some more fox tracks in the snow, leading to a small round melted spot in the corner, that suggested a little fox had been sleeping on our deck. The tracks led directly from the fox bed to our back door, then down the stairs off the deck. After waking up, the fox had come near the glass door to check us out, before leaving! That was a cool thought. It was a beautiful morning anyway, but that got me into an even better mood. A few minutes later, I looked out again, and noticed a rusty brown furry lump in the same corner. The fox had returned to continue her nap in the morning sun! It was worth waking K for this. She loved the idea of a fox feeling comfortable enough to sunbathe nearby. I'm afraid I captured far too many pictures of this event, which in the overall scheme of things probably isn't that big a deal, but it really made our day. I hope you enjoy the pictures too.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday Fox

K and I went for a walk along the South Platte River last Friday. It was nice to find the river trail all melted off and in good condition for a pleasant little walk.

I noticed a fox on our deck this morning, about the same time she saw me. She'd been sleeping on the last remnants of snow on the deck, and was rushing to hurry downstairs, but hesitated when she heard me exclaim, "What a beautiful fox!", which gave K time to come over and share the view. It was a nice way to start the Friday.

So... we did get 8 snows in 8 weeks, although we've had some warmer weather in between lately, and the massive accumulation has finally started to melt away. If it gets as warm as predicted this weekend, there's the possibility our local streets will be completely clear.

K's still dependent on oxygen, and her kidneys are still not doing well. Both of us have had stomach stuff going on this past few weeks, but not peanut butter poisoning, thankfully. The guys at work are talking about a bike ride on Sunday, but I doubt my street bike would make it through the patches of snow that are still making it difficult to navigate in places, so I'll probably pass.