Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Wednesday Ride

I haven’t tired of this view of the trail and foothills, shortly after I’ve climbed the shallow side of the Chatfield Dam. It feels like a little reward for this wimpy biker. 

I wandered out onto a long thin peninsula trail, and enjoyed the look of the lake from out there. 

My regular hydration stop includes Prairie Dog spectators. 

I love the look of the railroad tracks, with the mountains behind them, as I’m carrying my bike across. 

I enjoy seeing other riders on the trails. In fact, I even make an effort to count all the riders I see, just to get a sense of who’s out there on any given day. And of course, it gives me something fun to do, while I’m huffing and puffing along. 

Coal train climbing the hill heading south out of the Denver area. I never tire of watching freight trains, and I relish the opportunity to be near them during this route. 

I love the view of this foreboding weather, but it did remind me to keep going, as at this point, I’m only a little more than halfway around my loop. 

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