Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Flora and fauna

I’m enjoying a beautiful 50° Tuesday morning from my kitchen nook in Littleton. I’m so glad I get to enjoy some Fall colors from my breakfast table, along with our avian visitors. 

Here's our first customer at the newly refilled hummingbird feeder this morning. I only loaded up half the amount this time, as we’re already deep into October, and I didn’t really expect them to be hanging around after September. They say to stop putting the feeder out, a week after there have been no visitors, but so far, we’re seeing a bunch of visits every day.



Here’s a Finch on the tire swing feeder, eyeing the incoming Finch, that landed on the twine above. 


I’m also glad to have one of my favorite fall trees, the Purple Autumn Ash, visible from my front yard, when taking the dog out. This one's just beginning to change colors for the season.


Being a guy who's fascinated by all modes of transportation, I also like hearing the sound of the light rail off in the distance. Reminds me of some evenings when I was a kid, and we were visiting my grandmother in Alexandria, when I could hear the trains off in the distance, while lying in my bed on the screened-in front porch. 

Yesterday was supposed to be a bike riding day, but I only made it about a mile and a half from the house, almost to the river, when I went over a discontinuity in the trail, and the impact from dropping two inches broke yet another rear wheel spoke. With Murphy's Law being alive and well, this spoke is also on the side of the wheel with the cassette, which is difficult for me to remove, due to the removal notch having taken damage over the years. So I'm fuming to myself, and taking my usual approach to a roadblock - procrastinating until I calm down a little. 

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