Monday, January 11, 2016

One year

Facebook reminded me this morning, that today is the first anniversary of that miserable night, when I got a call from the hospital at 10pm, saying that Kristan was unresponsive, and I raced in there, dragging her visiting brother with me, only to find she was already gone. It's been quite a year. I'm sure I must've healed emotionally over the past 365 days, although from my nearsighted vantage point, I find it difficult to tell. I've had plenty to keep me busy, not unlike previous years, so I don't think of her every moment, but when I do come up for air, sometimes it hits me like a ton of bricks. I've tried all year, to finally get out and travel to see family, especially my dad, and I think I've been successful. I'm resolving this year, to try to get a little of my self back - on no particular schedule, but I'm determined to make some positive changes, even though I've no specific plan for what they might be. Thanks to all my friends and family, for your support, either up close and personal, or electronically - all of it is very much appreciated.

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