Friday, November 15, 2013

Surgery went OK

They took her from her room to pre-op around 130pm. Dr Atkins came and took her from pre-op toward the operating room at 350pm, estimated 30 min to complete. The O.R. called me in the waiting room around 430pm to say that the surgery went well, and they were putting on the bandages. Then the Doc stopped by to give me a quick recap, basically "it went as planned, couldn't close all the way, leave the bandage on, expect bleeding - we want that, don't use ice, and see her on Tuesday." They said her BG was heading down through 89, after surgery. They moved her to recovery for an hour, which gave me time to run off and eat at the Copper Pot again. Nice place. Then they took her to her room without telling me, but I found her pretty quickly. She was sleeping like a log, and I couldn't imagine them discharging her that night, but they didn't figure that out until later. When she woke up, so was starving! And in pain! Figuring her BG was probably low by then, I got her to drink some Apple juice, and the RN started working on pain meds. Food Service still had her with the "no food" order that was in place before surgery, and that had a really big impact on her, since she hadn't eaten since the night before. After an hour, things started getting better, as the doc returned the RN's call and canceled the no food order, and she finally got her breakfast/lunch/dinner, and some pain meds. They finally realized she was going to have to stay overnight, and I headed home to see how the dog had fared. She was fine, and welcomed a late night walk around the block.

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