Friday, November 15, 2013

Surgery today

So, the "wound removal and ankle bone scrape" surgery should be today. They decided to dialyze her this morning 8-12, so the morning caregiver Maureen didn't get to be very helpful.

I had to giggle to myself last night (in a slightly hysterical way), when the nurse said she was going to give her 10 units of Humalog before bed. I mentioned that ten was *way* more than we would've given her, especially since she's been taking Tradjenta, ten units would bring her BG down about 1500 mg/dl, and since her BG was only 402, that seemed problematic to me. You'd rather *not* have a negative blood glucose, after all. I said we would only have given her two units for the BG, and another unit for the food she was about to eat. To her credit, the RN went with our recommendation. This morning, her BG was 149, a very nice number. It's *so* scary to think about how that would've gone, if I'd already left for home by then.

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