Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Still in pain

K was still in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable all day yesterday, struggling to find the (apparently nonexistent) comfortable position. But she does eventually wear out from the pain, and fall asleep for awhile. Saw her at lunchtime, and I would like to think she looks a little better, although clearly squinty from the pain. One of the neurology docs visited while I was there, said this week should be the worst of it. They've got her off the PCA and back to pain pills, preparing to discharge her in the not so far future. Mikele and Tam are driving around the metro area today, in search of a good place she can discharge to, and still get good 24 hour care.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:38 PM


    Ks' through the really tough part and on the mend..... Hooray!!! No where to go, but up and better!

    Glad the toe is reacting positively. I can just see it now, on the Colorado Score board, Sumner (The Toe) Hushing scores the winning field goal just in time to win the game.

    Thanks a million for the updates.

