Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sleeping a lot

She was sleeping this morning when I stopped by, so I just left her with a little nuzzle and a kiss on the forehead. Then I met up with family (Otamay, Mikele, John, Michelle) at the hospital cafeteria at lunchtime. Stopped at the room first. K was just having her bed wheeled back from a CT scan. I got a "hi" out of her before she fell back asleep. Left another moist spot on her forehead as I was leaving after lunch. The latest talk is that the neurosurgeon doesn't like the positioning of one of the screws in her neck, and wants to back it out a little. So she will remain in the hospital for at least "a couple more days".

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:31 PM


    Read and understood.
    So glad you have family there!

