Monday, July 28, 2008


K's left foot is still looking good - it's still off wound status. The surgery incision on her right foot is still open but slowly healing. She's watching the wound on her heel carefully.

I'm still suffering from whatever malaise I got from cleaning out the neighbor's freezer on the 17th, but I'm beginning to get a sense that it might be getting better. I did start taking an antihistamine at the doctor's recommendation, and maybe that's helping.

There's a huge team of painters at the house this morning. They'll be repainting the main floor and upstairs interior this week, so we'll be sleeping at the neighbors. This is the last really big thing we need to get finished, before we can start putting the house back in order. It's been a very long time, since we started getting a few little things fixed up last year, and then dove into finishing the basement back in March. I think all three of us (Mandy included) are just about wiped out by all the upheaval in our lives.

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