Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The cold that wasn't

I've been recovering slowly from what feels like a really bad cold, but isn't. I managed to really wreck my throat and lungs last Thursday night, while cleaning out our friend's freezer after it had stopped cooling for several days, while we were watching their house. The smell from all the spoiled food was so bad, it was almost like trying to breathe some evil liquid. Just breathing the air for a few hours during our cleanup effort left me with burning throat and lungs that night, and over the past few days, it's felt a little like having a cold, with headache, coughing, and runny nose. I've got the can't-sleep-while-coughing syndrome in the evenings, so I'm a bit of a walking zombie the past few days. I'd like to say it's getting better, but I'm too close to it, so I can't really tell. I still feel pretty miserable in the mornings, all stuffed up and achy.

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