Friday, November 6, 2020

Is he nuts?

Watching the real-time election analysis, and following chatter on the Net... Am I the only one who thinks our President has gone off the rails? Trying to wreck our democratic election process?? Setting this country up for civil war with his inflammatory lies, if his more violent followers also refuse to accept the (now becoming obvious) election results??? At work, if we were letting someone go, and they misbehaved, we would have Security escort them out immediately, so they couldn’t do any more damage before their last day. I kind of feel like he needs to be escorted out, before he does something even more dangerous, between now and January. I have so much respect for the Presidency - the most powerful position on the planet - but he’s acting like he doesn’t. Get a grip, man... 😱 ⚔️ 👮‍♀️ 💣 🤷‍♂️ 

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