Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mostly Icy

The snow depth's not bad at all this morning, with asphalt visible on the parking lot. It's pretty icy out there, though. Mandy found a nice warm place on the couch to cuddle up under her favorite blanket, while I was getting ready for work. She was pretty cute, peering out from under the blanket, keeping tabs on me, as I came and went from the kitchen. K's caregiver didn't make it this morning, due to the icy roads, so she's "home alone" today. Luckily, the podiatrist's office called to recommend that she cancel her 1pm appointment, so now she has a free day, which will allow her to sleep off the all-nighter she pulled last night.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:49 PM


    I wish I had something to say..... Can/did you get my email on No Chocolate? By the way I get a rash evertime I hear the word snow!

