Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Flooded out

We've been living at the local Residence Inn for the past few days, due to a water damage problem on Thursday. When the laundry room sink overflowed, and the water kept running for some time, it soaked the Marmoleum laundry room floor and the hardwood floor in the hallway. It found its way into the heating ducts, and rained down in three basement rooms, soaking everything from tools to cardboard storage boxes to live electronics. It killed the modem that provided our phone and Internet service, and made an electrical outlet on the wall of the furnace room go dead. The house has been unlivable from the noise of a dozen fans and heaters all around, running all day and night, to pull moisture out of the floors and walls, and our possessions. It sounded like we were living inside a jet engine. The dog had a haunted look on her face, and was afraid to leave the bedroom just to walk past all those loud screaming fans in the hallway. So I was carrying her in and out, while carefully stepping over the 2 inch air hoses running everywhere. We finally came to our senses, and moved out to a hotel. After we moved to the Residence Inn on Saturday, it was so nice to be able to sit by the nice warm fireplace, while munching on snacks and quietly watching TV. The fans were removed yesterday, so we're moving back home today. Yay. Although it may be the short-lived calm in the eye of the storm. We'll probably have to leave again, when they refinish the hardwood floor.

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