Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Home Eval

I picked up Kristan and the two Physical Therapists at lunchtime, and took them to the house for a home evaluation. Good news: once inside, she can get around inside the house with her scooter, and use all the necessary facilities. Bad news: she can't navigate the stairs from the garage into the house on one foot. Good news: she can skooch up one stair at a time right now, so maybe she can come home sooner rather than later. Better news: I may be able to have a vertical lift installed, and then she would be able to ride up. I'm meeting with the Accessible Systems guy in a half hour, to find out if it's possible, the way our garage is laid out, and if so, when they can get it done. Best news: Mandy was ecstatic to have her home in the house, even if it was for only a few minutes.

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