Saturday, August 2, 2008

Flu or something

I started feeling really sick on the way home from work yesterday, unbelievably nauseous and a powerful tingling, almost a buzzing, in my arms and legs. I got home to the neighbors' house, and all I could do was lay there on my bed in the basement, and wiggle my legs to help keep the nausea down. After talking to a nurse at Kaiser, I had my neighbor Ken drive me to urgent care, where they gave me an anti-nausea drug by IV with a liter of saline. I felt a little better by the time the IV was done, at least while lying down. Sitting up didn't go so well, but they kicked me out anyway, and Ken drove me back home. I felt a lot better in the morning, so go figure. We went to see WALL-E this afternoon, very sweet and really good animation of course, by Pixar. Afterwards, I had a free birthday burger and sundae, courtesy of Red Robin. So far I feel OK, if a little tender, so I guess whatever hit me yesterday has pretty much taken its course.

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