We woke up to a chilly 30° overcast morning in Littleton. With Jennefer not feeling well, and not interested in going to the store or fixing or eating a special dinner tomorrow, I made a run to the grocery store when they opened, to pick up some turkey and stuffing TV dinners, which I actually love. While I was there, I ran across a yummy-looking collection of fresh cooked turkey & yam, and homemade cranberry sauce at the deli, and grabbed those too. Then I noticed the pumpkin and pecan pies, and got one of each. I think my niece won’t starve tomorrow… and I won’t be traumatized, by trying to cook something special.

After putting away groceries, I fired up the old Flight Simulator X on my old desktop computer, so I could try flying the VOR-A approach to Clarksburg, West Virginia, that was mentioned in this month’s AOPA magazine. They talked about how some pilots are getting too reliant on the simpler GPS navigation systems in a lot of newer airplanes, and are getting rusty navigating with the old radio navigational aids. I set the weather to 1 mile visibility in fog, and chose an aircraft that didn’t have a GPS for navigation. I surprised myself, by feeling very comfortable while enroute and throughout the approach, and was happy to see the airport through the fog just in time to make a leisurely landing. Fun times…

I stopped my subscription to the Denver Post years ago, after accumulating multiple tall piles of papers “to read later” around the house. So I had mixed emotions about seeing a paper in my driveway this morning. I finally just got around to looking at it, and I have to say, I still really enjoy going through the newspaper. Especially the funnies ( don’t judge me 😉 ), which felt like returning to a bunch of old friends, and of course I still love working the Jumble. I was unimpressed by the overly simplified weather maps, compared to the complicated but very informative maps we used to get in the Chronicle when I was a kid. But then, who looks at a weather map on paper anymore, when you can just get the weather from any number of apps and perspectives, on your phone?
Some of the news was a surprise that I hadn’t seen online, especially the revelation that my favorite local charity for feeding the homeless had recently inserted some wording into their employee manual, that basically gave them the choice of either embracing their sexual orientation or keeping their job. I realize that sending them money helps needy people that are not employees, but I can’t help thinking that I should find another way to be helpful locally, without supporting an organization that would even consider implementing such a discriminatory dehumanizing policy.
On a lighter note - I had to laugh, after capturing this photo, which looks to me like a baby dragon coming in hot, for a landing on the tire swing bird feeder. The previous occupant, a House Finch, is making a hasty departure.
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!
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