Really enjoyable, beautiful, fun day! Started at Crepes 'N Crepes with my niece Dorothy, had a delicious breakfast -- café lattes, followed by a Florentine crêpe and a chorizo crêpe.
Moved on to the Cherry Creek Farmer's Market, and bought Dorothy a bunch of fresh food to take home to her roommates. Walked a couple miles along Cherry Creek in the midday heat, but ended that early, since I'd forgotten to bring water for Mandy. Stopped back at the farmers market, for some cherries and delicious tamales to go. I think K would be proud - I'm actually getting fresh food to take home! :-D Relaxed at home for a little while. Had fresh tamales for lunch. Backed up several mobile devices, including Kristan's old iPhone, and cried over some of the pictures and videos I found there. Watched a corny but fun sci-fi movie called "The Core". Met up with my neighbors at Chatfield dog park, where our dogs had a wonderful time. Went to dinner at 3 Margaritas, and had a delicious enchilada and taco combo, and yes, a frozen strawberry margarita. Got to bed relatively early, for the first time in a long time.
Wonderful.... Just wonderful!!