K's having a bad day today. She spent last night feeling very nauseas, wandering the house, falling asleep in the strangest places, like standing up in the pantry. This morning she's still very nauseas, and hasn't been able to keep anything down. We canceled her afternoon doctor's appointment, then realized she wasn't going to be able to make it to dialysis either. Luckily they have a slot open tomorrow at noon.

Simple pleasures: Our painter Robert took a shot this morning, at finding the water shutoff valve for our new refrigerator's ice maker. It got buried in the ceiling last year, when the basement was drywalled. I'd been hesitant to cut holes looking for it, for fear of ruining our nice new basement ceiling. He found it behind the first exploratory hole he cut. Genius! Good thing *he* did it, since I would've been looking at least 3 feet away. So now our new filtered water and crushed ice dispenser finally works! First one we've ever had, and we only had to wait a year, to begin using it. We must be grown-ups - we can handle delayed gratification! OK, sometimes we can...

Summer's back, with sunny days and temperatures in the mid-90s. Mandy and I walked down to Blueberry's for lunch on my Friday off. She made quite a few friends of the folks wandering by. I let her off leash, for a lot of the way home. I'm amazed every day, at how well she's staying by my side during our walks. It feels very rewarding, since we've been working on it for quite awhile.

I just happened to pull out this dish towel... and noticed the pattern was more than just an abstract design... which got me thinking about Paris... which got me wondering how Tyler and his friends are doing...
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