K's back on antibiotics for her right foot. It heals up for awhile, then she feels the need to walk around on it, and it deteriorates quickly again. She continues to have trouble with bouts of severe nausea almost every day.
I think I'm going to declare victory over my sore throat and coughing from that incident back in July. I still have a little cough that sneaks out every once in awhile, but I've been sleeping through the night for weeks now.
K had Mandy out on the deck yesterday, and she snuck a drink from the drip pan below one of the Meyer lemon trees out there. K got worried, since those plants had recently been fertilized, but with everything she had going on, she forgot to check in with the vet before it was too late. Not surprisingly, Mandy got me up every couple of hours last night, to take her out so she could hunt for grass to eat. The last time we went out, around 4:30am, the newspaper delivery car came by, and she took off after it, disappearing down our street around the corner. Sheesh, as if worrying about how she felt wasn't bad enough, now I'm worrying that she'll get run over, or be eaten by a local fox or coyote, on her way back home. But she came right back, after scaring that nasty old car away. I was disappointed, since she's been very good the few times I let her off leash. She seemed in great spirits after the big chase, though, so I guess it had some theraputic value. Today K took her over to the vet, who pronounced her OK, and clipped her nails and renewed her shots for good measure. She seemed fine to me tonight, while we were walking around the parking lot during a break in the class.

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