I got home this morning from a quick business trip to CA for a tanking test. Everything at work went well, though I didn't have much time or warning to visit with family, and they didn't have time for me either. I did get to play disc golf a couple of times, thanks to my coworker bringing an extra disk with him. I took the 6am flight to ensure I got home in plenty of time to get to the Littleton Police Citizen Academy class in the afternoon. I expected Santa Barbara airport to be deserted at 5am, but I guess all the other people were surprised too. The security line went out the door, and halfway around the block. A bunch of us would've missed our flight to Denver, if they hadn't pulled us out of line to go through security ahead of the others. Then they departed four flights at practically the same time. When I was walking out to the tarmac, and asked the first United employee I could see which of the four planes I saw ahead of me was going to Denver. "That one," he said, and pointed to the plane to my left. Then he paused, and said, "No, that one over there," and pointed to the plane slightly to the right. I didn't feel very confident at that point, so I asked the flight attendant when I got on board, just to be sure. Lucky me, on the right flight, after all.
While I was gone, one morning, K said she went to pet the dog in her bed on the floor, and Mandy was lying there very still with her eyes bugging out, and felt stiff to the touch. For a moment, K thought the dog had died right there, and she was momentarily overcome with grief. K stroked Mandy a few times gently, whereupon she started making her little happy dog grunting noises. Mandy must've just been very relaxed and just beginning to wake up. What a scare, but it ended in the best way possible.
We attended our first class of the
Littleton Police Citizen Academy this evening. We got some interesting overview talks from the Chief of Police and her department heads. We're looking forward to the next 10 weeks of classes, which should familiarize us with the workings of the our local police, and give us some interesting things to learn and do.