Tuesday, April 8, 2008
K's feet continue to heal, but there are still open wounds. She had an infiltration when they started dialyzing her on Friday, so she had to go back at 5am on Saturday morning to try again. She's been seeing someone to help her breathe better, and it seems to be helping. She tested by going off oxygen last night for several hours, and reported that her O2 saturation was bouncing between 85 and 92. Not perfect, but way better than last year. She'll stay on the supplemental oxygen of course, since she should really be above 95 all the time, and we're convinced the higher O2 level is helping her wounds to heal.
The basement work is proceeding. It's amazing to see, even though we had some idea of what to expect, all the people that are coming and going, and the incremental progress being made. The framers had the initial framing done in a couple of days. Then the heating/mechanical guys got in there, and moved a bunch of heating ducts around. The framers came back, and framed the soffits around the ducts. The central vacuum folks added a few more lines. The plumbing folks decided some things were in the wrong place, and jack hammered up some concrete. The electrical folks routed a bunch of Romex around. It's a virtual whirlwind of activity around here.
Mandy's been entirely unsure of the who, what, where, why, and how of the past few weeks, and has decided that barking at every little noise and every new person will help her feel more comfortable with the process. She quiets down immediately, when I pick her up and let her sprawl across my left arm, and sits contentedly watching the activities from that safe haven. She really looks forward to our occasional walks. Here's a picture of her scoping out new territory, on a berm near the Highline Canal where it passes not far from the Littleton Dialysis Center.
My Sister left today after being here for a couple of weeks. It was really nice to have her here. I sure enjoyed her company while going on some nice long walks, doing a few household fixit jobs, taking a short bike ride, running various errands, and of course watching a bunch of movies.
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Sumner, We wish Kristan the best quick recovery. As for the basement since we are about to go through the same I hope you have been warned about the drywall dust. It can be awful. Since we are all still using heat I would make sure that they seal the new basement air intake vents and make sure the door is closed. The wallboard dust is awful to the lungs, and gets through the smallest cracks. Much good luck to your project. Look forward to see the finished results. Take care, Barry