K was admitted to St Joseph hospital on Tuesday evening. Just before I left her, two doctors came by to consult, and both said she should expect to feel better soon. She had two hours of dialysis on Wednesday, three hours on Thursday, and four hours this morning. She doesn't admit to feeling much better, but I think she sounds more alert and seems to have a better disposition.

Our neighbors Ken and Freddie have been wonderful, taking care of Mandy during the days, while I've been at work. It's been snowing off and on the past few days, and that combined with the Christmas music on the radio, and the Christmas lights on the City and County building and everywhere else, have made the commute to and from the hospital a little magical.

I guess you must've noticed in the picture above, I snuck Mandy in to see her last night and this afternoon, and I'm convinced both my girls were the better for it. It wasn't much of a sneak, really. The after-hours guard in the lobby asked if they knew a dog was coming up, and I told him we were planning on meeting in the Solarium, and he said I was good to go. The Solarium is a big visiting room on the 9th floor with lots of windows. It was very pleasant, sitting in there with the lights out, enjoying the wonderful view of the Denver skyline, and dozing on the couch with the girls.
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