Thursday, June 20, 2024


I heard a big old airplane engine flying over, and used Flight Radar 24 to identify a Navion overflying my house. That was fun. Then I noticed an unusual icon on the real-time map, tapped on it to get info, and saw that a classic old P-51 Mustang had just taken off from Centennial airport and was heading in my direction. Those are the coolest old warbirds ever, and I love to see and hear them, so I went out on the deck, to see if I could watch it go by, and caught a great view of it against a towering cumulus backdrop. Fun way to finish up our late breakfast!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Cooler Tuesday ride

Pleasant, much cooler Tuesday bike ride.

When I first got moving, the chill in the air surprised me, and I was actually considering going back for a jacket... but after a few miles, I forgot about it...

...then later, I noticed I was passing through warm pockets of air, which felt good. I guess not that strange for a June day.

Reminded of WALL-E

Haha… seeing this pile of eggshells in our kitchen, waiting to be ground up to feed plants, reminded me of the tall stacks of garbage that WALL-E constructed, while doing his job. It just hit my funny bone, I guess… I loved that movie! So many interesting concepts addressed, in humorous ways...

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Back from my big "Flying" Trip

Wow! I just finished a "marathon" (long and exhausting) series of flights in the X-Plane 11 flight simulator. I left from Denver, thinking I'd head somewhere warm, and that led me all over the southern hemisphere, including Cancun, New Zealand, Tasmania, Australia, Papua New Guinea. Then I pointed the nose north and visited Indonesia, Borneo, Palau, Philippines, and Malaysia, to Thailand. From there, I did some quick exploring of China, Taiwan, Japan, and northern Russia. Getting homesick, I decided to head home the "short way", over the North Pole to Greenland, then down through Canada to Colorado. I have a separate blog chronicling those flights. It's a little sparse right now, but I plan to go back and add more photos and text, describing some of the more interesting individual flight legs.