Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Routine Wednesday

Happy 15°F Wednesday morning! 

When I walked into the room…

I was reminded of…

the “powers of 10“ photo collections…

that I’ve seen over the years.

Yesterday’s snow is almost melted off the deck, and 

the Amaryllis is looking about as fully bloomed as it can get.

Even with all their high-energy acrobatics throughout the house, and how productive they are in the litter box, the kitties are gaining body mass like gangbusters. They’re already up to 8.9 pounds in the chart here, and they’ve been gaining linearly since before we got them. These guys also have big paws, which suggests they are going to be big kitties. The vet told us to let them eat “as much as they want” until they turn nine months old, so I guess we have three more months of not paying much attention to that. I thought it was very cute this morning, when I was doing my exercises on the floor, and Rufus climbed up on my chest, and spread himself out while purring madly. My exercise routine suddenly became an impromptu meditation session.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Home from ER

We're glad to be home from the Littleton Hospital ER on this otherwise pleasant Sunday evening. Jennefer had another SVT (fast resting heartbeat) event, that went longer than any she’d remembered, and the clinic recommended she go.


The ER PA taught her a trick that knocked her heart rate right down to normal; we need to remember that one! It involves simply trying to blow into a limited-airflow tube (a straw would probably work) for perhaps 15 seconds while sitting up, then quickly lying back. After that, it stayed down in the normal resting rate. 

[This event closely followed a few days of nausea, followed by a long period of vomiting Friday and Saturday, not positive why. We resorted to calling her medical clinic on Saturday. They recommended a visit by a mobile service that could provide home IV to get her rehydrated, replenish electrolytes, and administer anti-nausea meds. The mobile techs thought she was getting over a virus, but we’re skeptical.]

Flying the DC-3

I've been having fun with simulated flying lately. I'd forgotten about how much fun it was to fly the 1940s vintage DC-3 around the Bahamas a couple of years ago, but it just popped into my head recently, and I've started flying it around. Lately, I've been exploring some southwest airports, like the one in San Diego near my old home. From there, I ventured out to do a simulated visit to Jennefer's sister in Yuma, AZ, then back to San Diego, then up to several airports in the LA area. This week, I headed up to Catalina Island, then San Clemente Island, San Nicolas Island, Santa Cruz Island, Point Mugu, Bakersfield, and just landed at Mariposa-Yosemite airport north of Fresno.