We hiked up to the ridge above Saint Mary's Glacier on Labor Day Monday. We made it up much higher than I've been able to climb here, so far! One or more, of time, weather, energy, and poor planning always seem to conspire to keep me from my goal of making it to the actual top. This time, it started to rain/snow on us. And, hey, the glacier is back! Small and separate (there are actually three small glaciers right now), but it's here. Mandy was once again our intrepid hiking guide dog. Once she realized that I wanted her in front, she did a great job leading us up the loose rocky trail. She made lots of friends, of people and other dogs.
Looking down from above St Mary's Lake, with the bottom of St. Mary's Glacier a little below us. We were about halfway up as far as we were eventually going to get.
Looking around at the height of our climb, a little above 11,000 feet, it's mostly high tundra up here
I'm always a little amazed, at how well Mandy does on our mountain hikes. She's such a little dog, but she acts like a big old mountain dog. Here she is, leading the way back down toward the upper part of the glacier. Nice view of the mountains and weather off in the distance.
Here's a striking view of another hiker looking down on the lake, from the ridge across the glacier from us, with some rain clouds in the background.
There are some interesting twisted pine trees around St Mary's Lake!