Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My first new doc of 2012

I visited my first non-Kaiser doctor in decades, today. Thanks to Mikele, I've already got some appointments lined up, with the dermatologist today, and my new primary care physician on Friday. Today's doc did some of the usual freezing, then recommended Levulan Kerastick for future treatment of AK spots. I guess I'll probably go for it, if our new insurance covers it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mikele and Bob gone

I dropped Mikele and Bob at the airport early this morning. We had a nice breakfast at Pour La France in the Denver main terminal, and they headed off to their gate with lots of time to spare. I called Ken for a later morning walk to Blueberry's for coffee, and we found out the hard way, that they started closing Blueberry's on Sundays, two weeks ago. Boo. That was the last place we could walk to with the dog, and sit inside with her, on a cold snowy Sunday morning. I guess we'll have to rethink our morning walks on those bad weather Sundays.

Friday, January 27, 2012


K's left foot is starting to look much better than it did a week ago, when I was getting worried it was degenerating into another infection, right around the surgery site.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Last Toe

Surgery day. Mandy already knew something was up, in the morning. This surgery removed her only remaining toe, which had already developed a wound. The Ortho doc said there were no complications. I discovered that driving from my new work location in the Denver Tech Center, to the new hospital (St Anthony), up I-25 to 6th Ave, is perhaps the most crowded route in Denver in the evening. The supposedly 25 minute drive (estimated by Google Maps) took me well over an hour. The rest of the drive, out 6th to Simms/Union wasn't so bad. I tried a different way home, and found myself disoriented in little neighborhoods with lots of loose deep snow. Big adventure!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mikele's here!

Sher left on the 2nd, and my sister Mikele arrived on the 3rd! Mikele has offered to help us with the painful transition from Kaiser Permanente to Anthem. Then her hubby Bob will arrive on the 15th, and hopefully, we'll all get to play a little.