We had a really wonderful time with Mikele and family here. Our new basement space seemed very happy to have the kids move in for a week. We were very touched to see how well everyone got along with Mandy. Bob and I had a real blast with the kids, during our visits to Elitch Gardens and Water World. I can't say enough about how helpful everyone was, in getting our things out of the PODS unit, so we could have it removed from our driveway, and placate a few neighbors who were getting antsy about how long it was going to remain. I got Mikele and Bob out for a little hike that we thoroughly enjoyed - up to Devil's Head fire lookout, the day before they left. I was amazed at how Mandy turned out to be a rock climbing maniac.

I think everyone got a big kick out of the more volatile Summer weather here in Colorado. We all gathered out on our new deck, under the nice solid roof, and watched a big system of thunderstorms move by, complete with half inch hail and unbelievably beautiful cumulonimbus cloud shapes and sunset colors.

We were so sad to see everyone go. We went from a seemingly huge household of 8 (counting Mandy!), to our usual 3, in the blink of an eye. Here's a group photo at Denver International Airport, as I'm dropping them off. Thanks to Bob for springing for a really nice dinner at Pour La France in the airport!

So it's back to the everyday grind. There's still work being done on the basement and elsewhere around the house. I'm not convinced that everything will ever be completely done. About the time one thing gets finished, we notice several little things that need to be redone, so sometimes it seems our list is getting longer instead of shorter. The next big thing, is the people coming tomorrow, and for the next two weeks, to refinish the wood floor in the kitchen, after the dishwasher leak back in September damaged it severely. We put off having this work started, until most of the other work around the house was done. We'll need to move out of the house for part of next week, as the fumes from the wood varnish would just about kill us off otherwise.

K's feet are doing surprising well. She's been wearing "diabetic boots" which seem to help reduce the loading on her feet, and give them a chance to heal. The left foot is pretty much off wound status, which is great news. The right foot is looking much better, but still has a serious wound, and needs to be watched carefully. K's "new" MWF 6am dialysis schedule is beginning to wear on us, since we both have a difficult time getting to bed early, but we do like how they give her back the afternoons on those days.