Here's some information on
Memorial Day that I found online, while taking a few moments this morning to observe this special day, before getting ready for a
bike ride down the Platte River with Ken. We met K and Freddie at Racines for lunch, then rode down to the light rail station, and cheated by hitching a ride back to Littleton. That was a really nice option for a hot day, to avoid the long uphill ride home on a full stomach! Here are some pictures. Watch out for the three movies - they're big! You'll spot them as the second of a pair of apparently repeated pictures. K asked me to make more water movies, after seeing the one I made of the waterfall in Waterton Canyon on Saturday.
Rode up to Bear Creek Dam on Sunday. Was intending to ride with the guys, but missed them by a few minutes, and spent the entire ride trying to catch up. I guess that was good exercise for the heart, which is a lot of the reason I've gotten back into walking and bike riding. My exercise watch recorded a new peak at 90% of my recommended max rate. So we'll call that a good thing, since it was just a peak...
Ken and I rode up Waterton Canyon for the first time, on Saturday. I wasn't sure about my skinny wheel road bike, so I borrowed Freddie's bike for the ride. I think the lower part, up to the dam, would've been fine with my bike, but the rocky trail heading up into the woods definitely required a trail bike. We didn't get far, just to the first bench, but it was enough to get a sense of what kind of riding equipment I would need, if I wanted to venture off the flatland trails I've been enjoying the past year. We celebrated surviving our first "mountain" ride, by meeting the girls for lunch at Hacienda Colorado, and splurging on a Loco Sundae for dessert, splitting that monstrous dish four ways.
We had quite a crowd for our
regular Thursday afternoon Lee Gulch bike ride.