I've posted a bunch of March photos at our Picasaweb photo gallery...
The story this week about the Littleton man biking along the Platte River was just a little too scary and close to home. He was on the same path I like to ride downtown, and came upon a 60 pound rock that some really stupid and malicious teenagers had dragged out into the middle of the path. The rock was just into the shadow of the Belleview Ave bridge, so he never saw it. He hit it squarely, and it stopped his bike cold, breaking the frame, and throwing him over the handlebars onto the concrete path. I think he survived with a broken collarbone and a scratched helmet. The article I read quoted him as saying he's biked thousands of miles, all around the world, and never seen anything like this. I guess this may be a sign that I need to get myself a biking helmet. I'd been thinking I would get one, as soon as I dared to venture up into the mountain biking territories, where the trails are steep and rocky, and it would be more necessary. But it seems I may already need one, even for those nice flat bike paths around town.