Monday, January 29, 2007
6 in 6
This has to be an all-time record for the Denver area. Six snows in six weekends, back-to-back! Saturday morning's snow only left an inch or so of light fluffy stuff, which melted off the streets by the time our HOA annual and board meetings had finished at noon. Sunday was awesome - clear and sunny - it got warm enough to be able to comfortably soak up a little vitamin D on the deck. It didn't last, though. This morning it was 9 degrees, and I'm reading that the forecast is for snow on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week.
Friday, January 26, 2007
5 in 5 - Fox, Snow, Health
I posted some new neighborhood snow pics from two weekends ago at
I guess I've fallen off the riding/walking exercise wagon, after all these weekend snowfalls. I still do my stretching and minimal exercises in the mornings, but I've let the inconvenience of walking through snow, slush, and ice in subfreezing temperatures and gusty winds, keep me from my appointed rounds for the past several weekends. We've had five weekends in a row of significant snow, and just about all that time it's been below freezing. I was glad to have the new snowblower last Sunday, after the forecast 1-2 inches of snow accumulation turned into an actual 9-12 inches. This snowy weather pattern is very unusual for here. And there's more snow forecast for tomorrow, and then again later in the week. Yikes! It must be Winter! Global warming... bah, humbug!
Work's been busy - supporting our existing software installations, talking to our new partners, and starting some new projects. I'm finally getting to work/play with some Linux systems, although we're on a pretty tight schedule, so it's not the relaxed kind of playing we all yearn for. I won't say this is a new lesson, but I've quickly relearned the old "unix is not unix" lesson with regards to Linux. Red Hat and SUSE present quite different interfaces to the system admin. I hope our developers won't see as much difference between them, or we'll never get done in time.
K's been dizzy, nauseous, and out of breath a lot, the past few weeks. Her pulse has been low - in the 40s - and BP has been high. It's probably due to a medication switch, but the symptoms are real and troubling, even if the cause might be known. The cardiology office just called to offer her an earlier appointment, which she accepted.
Dad says Adele's surgery went well yesterday. It was bigger than they thought, so they couldn't do the arthroscopic approach. They say she'll be recovering in the hospital for five days. Here's the info for the hospital:
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Also see
And that's all for now, folks...
Saturday, January 6, 2007
3 snows in 3 weeks
Our neighbor Mika got tired of all the shoveling, and ordered an Ariens model 5524E Sno Thro from Home Depot. We and 3 other neighbors split the cost with her, which made the cost of this 5.5 HP compact snow removal device affordable. I spent some time with it today, going over our driveway, and knocking down strategic parts of the big berms alongside the driveway, and in the street, that had grown to almost my height. The results were very gratifying. I looked up "rewarding" in the Webster thesaurus, and almost every word they suggested seemed appropriate: cheering, comforting, encouraging, fulfilling, gladdening, gratifying, heartening, rewarding, satisfying, affecting, inspiring, moving, edifying, elevating, uplifting, exciting, exhilarating, rousing, stimulating, thrilling, pleasing. Oh, yeah!
Monday, January 1, 2007
New Year's Walk
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